martes, 26 de marzo de 2019


Hello everyone!

In this post, we are going to create a podcast with the SoundCloud tool. A podcast is audio where you can record explaining a topic.

I create a podcast about "Vertebrates Animal Project" here I explained the objectives that the students must achieve doing the different activities; the competencies in which they will work; and the activities they have to carry out.

The objectives that the students will achieve in these activities are the following: students will describe the characteristics of different vertebrate animals; students will create an infographic; students will record a story; students will describe different habitats of the animals; students will explain the diet of the animals, and students will create a story.

The competencies that the students will develop doing the podcast are the following:

Linguistic Communication Competence: During the lesson, students will face different situations in which they have to communicate, to discuss, ask questions, and interact with their classmates. In this topic, the students will have to discuss how the story is going to be and tell into the rest of the class.

Learning to Learn: The teacher is a guide in the classroom and she will help with the activities they need to carry out. In this way, students will learn to be more autonomous and to solve problems.

Digital Competence: During the lesson, students will record the different stories they have to create about animals. Students will have to research information about an animal; they will use different digital tools.

Social and Civic Competence: Students will work with their classmates so they can develop social skills.

SoundCloud is the tool that I used to make the podcast is very easy to use and enjoyable. I think, students will like it and will learn to do a podcast.

SoundCloud it is an online platform for audio distribution that allows us to make recordings in the cloud, upload audios, promote and share them. The audio tracks that we record or upload can be tagged, categorized, shared on social networks and organized into playlists.

The activities that the students they are going to carry out are two:

The first activity is about creating an infographic. This activity is going to be in pairs, they will research a vertebrate animal which is not very common. Students will research and write about the habitat, diet, threats, distribution, population, and predators. Also, they can insert pictures, so is more attractive. When they finish, each pair will present it to the rest of the class.

The second activity will be in groups of four students and they will have to create a story. The students will choose an animal, in the story, they will write about the habitat of the animal, diet, what the animal like to do, and their characteristics in a creative way. When the students finish creating the story they will record it. Then, we will listen to all of them in class.

This topic is going to take two weeks.

The evaluation is going to be a continuous evaluation. The teacher will evaluate how the students develop their oral skills, their creativity, and how they work in groups. Also, I will evaluate participation and attitude.

I hope you will like this activity. I let you here my podcast about vertebrate animals so you can listen to it. The music that I choose for my podcast is a classical one which you can use in your presentations, videos or tutorials here I let you the link of it. The program that I used to make my podcast is called Camtasia. 

See you in my next post.

Here is my channel!

Here is my podcast with the activities.

Here is the Didactic Unit that I will follow to make the audio project.

martes, 12 de marzo de 2019


Hello everyone!

Today I am going to talk about Canva's tool to make infographics. In this page called Canva you have different templates that you can choose depending on the topic that you are going to teach. Also, you have different elements that you can use to make more visual your infographic such as arrows, free photos, design grids, forms, diagrams, lines, frames, illustrations, and, icons.

With this tool, you can write texts in your infographic to be more clear about what you want to teach. You have different types of letters and size also you can choose the color of the letter. In the text, you have to write the important information that you want to tell your students. 

In this tool, you have different free backgrounds which are very colorful and also with textures so your infographic is more attractive for your students. In addition, you can upload images so is more clear and visual to understand the content of the topic. 

You can download the picture on your computer and share it with your students. 

My infographic is about the "African Lion" where I talk about the diet, habitat, distribution, population, predators, and, threats. I search for information about this animal that I like so much and I think is very interesting and we can learn new things that we didn't know before. Also, I upload different pictures of the lion of how they hunt, how they look like and a map where are they located in Africa.

From my point of view, I think this tool is very easy and attractive to use in your class when you want to explain a specific topic because like I say is very visual. 

Here I let you the different links where I took the images for my infographic. by Edgar Chomba Free for use and commercial use by StoJa9 by Ryan's

I hope you like it and see you in my next post. 

martes, 5 de marzo de 2019


Hello everyone again!

Today I am going to talk about coggle a tool specially to design your own mindmaps. This tool is very easy, creative, and usuful to use in your class with any topic you will like to teach. You can do it at the begining to introduce the topic or at the end to make a review of the topic. 

In my opinion I like this tool because is very visual for the students and they will learn it in a simple way. In the middle you write the principle topic that you are going to talk about, and you add as many branches as you like depending on the different subtopics you are going to teach. Each branch can have a different color so is more attractive. Also, you can add images to understand better the concepts that you are teaching.

My coggle is about vertebrates and invertebrates animals I add four different branches about the classification of vertebrates and invertebrates animals and some principle characteristics about these two groups. Also you can download as an image or share your work with your collegues. Also I add one image for each group so they can identify the animals easier if they have any problem.

I think is a safe page and great to use in your clasroom with your students.

I hope you like it!

See you on my next post.