jueves, 31 de enero de 2019

Cartoonize Yourself

Hello everyone!

My name is Eva Modet I want to gives you the welcome to my learning journal. 

I am 23 years old I am a Pre-Primary and Primary teacher with the speciality in English. I am studying a Masters Degree in Rey Juan Carlos University.

I have the pleasure of presenting you my avatar created on the Bitmoji App.

Her name is also Eva she is 23 years old, she is a Pre-Primary and Primary English teacher. She loves children, travel, going to the theatre, watching series, going out with her friends and spend time with his family and boyfriend. She is very good at solve problem and very positive.

This tool of Bitmoji is very useful, entretainment, and easily to use in classroom. You can create your own Bitmoji with your face and then you can choose the hair, the eyes, the clothes, the eyebrowns, the nose... as you want. They have a lot of different features that can be as similiar as you are. You can change everything that you want to créate your perfect Bitmoji!!

Thank you!

I hope you like it!!
See you next time.


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